The Geoportal healthyregionseurope is a technological platform developed within the scope of the
Project EURO-HEALTHY – Shaping EUROpean policies to promote HEALTH equitY, coordinated by the
Centre of Studies for Geography and Spatial Planning (CEGOT) at the University of Coimbra and funded by
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 643398.
The main objective behind this Geoportal is to provide a snapshot of the health of the European
population over multiple dimensions and geographical levels. The results of the application of a
multidimensional and multilevel measure – the EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index (PHI) are presented
on two different scales:
regional level — 269 NUTS 2 regions of the 28 European Union countries
municipal level — 540 municipalities of ten European metropolitan areas: Athens, Barcelona, Berlin,
Brussels, Lisbon, London, Paris, Prague, Stockholm and Turin.
To know more about the project, the consortium and other dissemination materials, visit
To facilitate access to the geoportal, please, select one of the following options:
Should you cite the geoportal in any reference for scientific publication, it is requested to use the following format:
EURO-HEALTHY consortium (2017) EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index. The healthyregionseurope webgis. University of Coimbra. Link: